Inokashira Park blossoms © Danilo Dungo
Human ethics update May 2016: "Having a person stuck to the hood might prevent a human driver from fleeing the scene". Google has patented a sticky car bonnet that ‘traps pedestrians like flies‘, in theory protecting them from secondary impact injuries AND hit-and-runs.
“All you need to do is take two subcritical masses of uranium and smash them into each other to form a critical mass. Neutrons strike the heavy uranium nucleus, which splits, releasing a tremendous jolt of energy along with two or more neutrons, which split more nuclei, setting off a chain reaction that grows and grows and finally manifests itself as a huge fireball over a populated area, blinding, asphyxiating, incinerating, or crushing every living being within a five-mile radius.”
What happens when we get into the habit of following GPS directions uncritically? An annoying detour here; a harrowing death there.
Cillian Murphy has put together the lineup for IMMA's Summer Party and, in addition to having very piercing eyes, he's made a great job of it.
Jonny Greenwood's presence looms large on Radiohead's new album A Moon Shaped Pool. Watch him perform with the London Contemporary Orchestra, in one of Boiler Room's more against-type broadcasts:
The photograph at the top of this post is by Danilo Dungo, who took a drone above Tokyo's Inokashira Park to get a new perspective on the city's iconic blossom fall. See more of his work at National Geographic.